Dinner Shows
Now in our 34th Hit Year!!

Theater etiquette
Many of you will be bringing children to the theatre for their first theatrical performance.
Good theatre manners cannot begin too young,
and to this end, the "Murdered by The Mob" would like to outline some of the basic principles of Theatre Etiquette:
Please do not bring infants and children under 8 years old to the Theatre.
Regardless of age, everyone must have a ticket, sit in a seat, and be able to sit quietly through the entire performance.
Please arrive no later than 5 minutes prior to the performance.
Please refrain from talking during the performance.
Please turn cell phones COMPLETELY OFF during the performance. (very distracting for performers and other customers)
LAPTOPS, TABLETS and other Electronic Devices are NOT ALLOWED in the theatre. If you bring them, we will hold them at the Box Office for you. (The glare is very disruptive to others)
Guests are encouraged to dress to impress, but there is no dress dress code.
Thank you for your cooperation – our policy is for the enjoyment of all!